Friendship,relationship and family

Hello dear friends :), how are you.Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate this holiday, leave me some piece of turkey will you πŸ˜‰ .

People say yo can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends and partners in love.Family is the group of people on who you can rely in every situation.Friends are second group of people after you family to be there for you and make your life complete.Love partner must be your family and your friend.

Mom,dad,brother,sister,grandfather,grandmother are being closest family we have.And there are also aunts and uncles their children and other relatives from both sides.
Parents should give you unconditional love to pull the best in you.Parents should teach you what is good or wrong,to be your biggest support no matter what happened,protect you from evil people,show you to handle hard stuff which are coming in the future.Sons are having better connection with mothers, and daughters with fathers.
Parents are key of our relationships.How one man is going to behave with women,is determined from his relationship with mother.Same with daughters.You could hear everywhere from some people this words: “I wish to have a partner like my father is” or “She is nothing like my mother”.Ok you wish to have partners like your parents are, but your partner can be like that only if scientists invent some machine to do change them.Genes decide how are we gonna be.Sons look alike more on their mothers, and daughters on their fathers.But mentally you can be in your family on some other member.
“You remind me so much on your grandfather”,”That talent you inherited from your uncle” are phrases used when we describe somebody’s attitude,looks and intelligence.If you’ve been raised in happy family you expect from your partner to give you the same love as they do.And if he or she are raised in unhappy family they think everyone else are dead inside, so no love for nobody.
Father is in most cases destroyer of the family.Alcohol,drug,criminal activities and gambling are evil enemies which are causing us trouble from ages.If a man grows in a similar family which we described, in his young days and later in marriage he seeks some kind of revenge.Trauma who he experienced when he was kid,shape his personality and made him a man like he is now.So being himself in a role of a father leads to behave like his “old man”.My father was abusive to me, so i must do the same.NO !
Remember this-your future family is the people who you must LOVE not hate.It is not their fault you had the bad childhood,bad father and bad life.They are not your punching bag,energy release source or piece of paper you must crease when you are angry.Ask for professional help to stop you before you ruin innocent little life.Help is possible be sure.Home is your treasure.

What is the meaning of the true friend, can we have the same friends from early days to grown up age or that can change in some point ?
Remember this.You and your friend met in elementary school and you thought you will be friends forever.From grade to grade,time to time you changed and your best friend.He wants to go to sports, you want to play music.He wants to go to sea,you want to go to mountain.Suddenly your paths are separated and he is no longer your best friend.
We don’t know what are we going to like tomorrow,who are we going to met or where we can move away.Our destiny take us in unknown direction without some people.No matter what how strongly we want to stay best friend with someone, lets face it that can not stay forever.Through life you will change many best friends in school,neighbourhood or at work.We can not say to other person to be like we are.We can manage to stay in good human relations, friends are friends whatever they are.At least for the old times stay in touch.
Another thing can break a friendship.Argue,act,maybe a disagreement can take you far away from your friends.Small detail is always the reason of time out.People say female friendships are stronger, but male last longer.Girls are giving their best or invest in their looks.Women’s beauty is the strongest weapon.When two girls are interested in same guy friendship doesn’t exist.

Love is love, even when two persons want other same person.When you feel that is the right person for you, sometimes friendship stops.I can not forget how many girls broke their friendship because some stupid fight about some guy.That guy is not going to be hot in next 100 years understand ? If some guy can destroy so many years of socializing,great times spent together,tears and laughs then you can lose a lot.True friends are there for you when you needed, boyfriends come and go.Don’t lose your soul mate in friendship.
Strong men are in every case leaders of the group, and everybody wants to be their friends.Same for beautiful girls.Rich people belong to group of most wanted,most desirable and most popular persons with who people want to socialize.Who doesn’t want to be friend with Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.Rich people gives you the possibility of enjoying in every life aspect.Travelling,buying expensive clothes,driving with cools cars is dream of every man or woman on the world.
You know that line when you treat people good they treat you bad and opposite.Rich people like treat poor people badly like piece of ground.Being rich is good but all the wheels can turn down, and your fortune is gone.Tomorrow same people who were your friends yesterday, forget about you and what you have done for them.Everybody are seeking the same category, not different.Stay tuned with good people not bad people.Find friends with who you can be you,spontaneous and natural.People who will do everything for you, and you for them.

What is love, baby don’t hurt me don’t hurt me no more.To love someone and being loved is the best thing can happened to you.Two hearts together joining in one is most important for entire human kind.What kind of partners women like, what kid of girls guys like ?
It is clearly that opposites attracts,so you can see two types of persons dating and being in marriage.Tall guys with short girls,bad guys with good girls,smart people with stupid people are often couples you can see on the streets.
What would be if both sexes could be the same physically and mentally ?
Shy girl with shy guy,hot guy-hot girl,crazy husband-crazy wife imagine them having kids together.That doesn’t sound good.Imagine this situation,woman buys shoes and shoes are no quality at all, she goes to store for a reclamation.They deny her reclamation, and women quietly goes home.Then angry and tough husband walks in store demanding a manager,demanding her rights because he knows the trading laws and he succeeds and woman is being refunded.
Other situation same husband same woman,car hits them from behind.Husband is furious he wants to rip off the driver from behind.He take him from his car,clenching his fist and with full power wants to strike the driver.His wife comes out stopping him from doing that because he can go to prison for hurting someone.Husband is dropping his arms and nobody gets hurt.
You see there always must be two kinds of people, or in the contrary life would be boring.

Finding the perfect person is impossible, but loving someone imperfect on perfect way is possible.Love is hugging,patting,helping each other in hard times.These days people don’t want compromise.Compromise is the main engine which moves entire relationship in right path.You can not be selfish, you must think of somebody else in this relationship.Ok also you are important but not on any cause.
We are selecting our partners by their social activities,financial success,physical and mental advantage.Also advices from our parents to find good partner is some kind of instruction for the future.Beautiful women are being more satisfied with less attractive partners than with good looking ones.The better look male partner had, the more he was unfaithful and egoistic to himself.Men said that with average girl they’ve been happier.
Scientist say that ideal number of partners is between 5 and 10.Also big expectations can prevent us finding the right person.The more virtues ideal person need to have, the less chance are finding him.Love is different from age to age.In 20’s selection of partner is more profoundly.Match is best partner or nothing.In 30’s expectations are less than before.We want to be in marriage at any cost.In 40’s finding a love is lottery winning.
Being in loved can not be forever, but important is to have good feelings in most apart.
Don’t wait for love find it.Relax and enjoy, life is too short for wasting it.

That was all for today, i hope i wasn’t too long.I am very glad to see new followers on my blog, that brings me happy you don’t know how much πŸ™‚ .If you want to write to me you know below in comment section.

As always these pictures are not in my possession.They are copyrights from other people.See you next time with fresh subjects and new themes.Greetings from Nenad Bozic(aka Nash Christmas πŸ™‚ )Bye !

By Nash Christmas

I am programmer and i writer.


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